An unsealed attic can seriously affect the health of both you and your family or anyone else residing at your house. The attic is by far the most forgotten area of probably every house, which increases the chances for its mostly quite neglected condition to develop into a more sever condition involving more danger to you and your family. Here's how proper attic insulation instalment can improve the health of yourself and your family.
Winter's Coming
First thing is first, and the first thing you'll feel when you realize the attic is not fully sealed, is that cold air entering the house and the warm air produced by the air conditioning system escaping it. This means you and your family are sitting in the cold during winter, which might lead to catching a cold or even the flu. Better attic insulation will ensure that heat transfer is dramatically mitigated, enabling you to heat your home much faster.
From Summer to Fungus
When your attic is exposed to water and wetness due to worn-out insulation, it is also exposed to fungus, which may develop from the combination of heat and humidity, leading to a serious possible danger to your health, starting with your respiratory system. Removing the old insulation, cleaning the attic, decontaminating it, and installing new insulation will solve the problem immediately, as the quality of air will greatly improve and won't be a danger to you or your family any longer.
Financial Stress
The last danger we would like to talk about is not as essential as the other risks to your health, but it is important too: financial stress caused by ever increasing electric bills. When your attic is not sealed and heat gets transferred through it – the air conditioning system will have to work much harder to cool or warm your house, leading to high electricity bills. It may add to your pressure as the head of the family and more pressure is not so great for your health. Therefore, better insulation – better health!
To find out more about attic insulation services and how they can improve your house's condition, contact our experts.