You might have had your annual (or bi-annual) routine house checkup in which the expert you've hired told you your attic's insulation is in bad shape. You might have started feeling it was more difficult and taxing on your air conditioning system to keep comfortable temperatures around the house during both summer and winter; and you might have even come to the conclusion all on your own – it's time to get new insulation and have the old one removed.
But how does one go about attic insulation removal? One thing is clear though, it should be completely removed before a new one is installed.
Must the Old Insulation Be Removed Before Installing A New One?
Yes. Yes, and yes. Once the old insulation is identified as no good, it is no longer necessary and more than that, might cause us trouble, if we don't take it out. Why? Well first of all, there's a lot of reasons why the old material isn't useful anymore – it might be worn-out, it might be coming off the attic ceiling and it might be infected with mold (caused by wetness and heat) or bacteria, both of which can harm your health. Therefore, the first reason to remove the old material is to ensure the health of your household's members.
Allowing Proper Installation
An additional reason to remove that old insulation when its time has come, is in order to clean the whole area, both from all the old material so the surface will be ready for the new installation and also from the infected or damaged parts of the material, which might affect the health of those who reside in the house. That way, we also protect the people who live at that house and prepare the attic for the new insulation installation, and that is the way to properly replace a worn-out materials.
Professional attic insulation removal
Before winter and before summer, check the insulation at your home to ensure its efficiency. In case you're not sure if it needs to be removed or if your attic needs a new insulation – call us at Attic Cleaning Santa Monica and we'll be happy to offer advice about what service will best suit your attic! We also offer professional cleaning and decontamination services.